Student Support

The PSSA executives are here for you! Please come to us with things you need or concerns you have. We will do our best to actively listen and help find a solution for you, or direct you to a resource that may most effectively help.*

Equity Advisors in the Department of Political Science

In the context of ongoing efforts to promote strong and sustainable departmental responses to the issues of harassment and sexual misconduct, the Department of Political Science has appointed two professors to the position of equity advisor. The aim of this position is to work in cooperation with the chair and other members of the department to promote strengthened norms and practices in the department regarding preventing and addressing harassment and sexual misconduct.

The equity advisors are available, individually or in tandem, to meet with colleagues and students to discuss questions relating to harassment, sexual misconduct, and related equity concerns, and will refer students and colleagues to the relevant specialized services and offices at McGill. They will promote awareness and application of policies and guidelines related to these issues in the department, including the forthcoming Department of Political Science Guidelines on Relationships between Instructors and Students. The role will evolve according to Departmental needs.

Our current equity officers are Professor Kelly Gordon ( and Professor Will Roberts ( Please feel free to reach out to either Professor Gordon or Professor Roberts with any concerns in relation to this issue.

Links to Resources:

*This is by no means an exhaustive list, please email us any suggestions you have for additions/updates to or message our Facebook page!